
Jetzt erst recht

Ein Boot mit bis zu 750 Menschen gerät in Seenot – und die europäischen Staaten schauen zu. Retten erst, als es zu spät ist. Sind möglicherweise sogar mitverantwortlich für den Schiffbruch. Die Folge: Viele Hundert Menschen sterben.

Dies ist ist kein Einzelfall: Die Politik der europäischen Staaten gefährdet Menschenleben. Das Versagen der Politik macht es zu unserer gemeinsamen Aufgabe, zu handeln. Jeder Mensch zählt!

FundraisingBox Logo


United4Rescue – Gemeinsam Retten e.V.
IBAN: DE93 1006 1006 1111 1111 93
Bank für Kirche und Diakonie eG – KD-Bank

Verwendungszweck: Jetzt erst recht

What is the advantage of donating to United4Rescue?

With a donation to United4Rescue you help sea rescue where money is needed most urgently. For example, for the purchase and conversion of rescue vessels, for equipment or deployment costs. United4Rescue helps across organisations and unbureaucratically, but always checks the feasibility and professionalism of funding requests. So you can be sure: Your donation helps to save lives in distress at sea.

What happens with my donation?

With your donation, you support civilian sea rescue in the Mediterranean — across organisations and especially where money is acutely lacking. For example, for the purchase and conversion of rescue ships, the acquisition of equipment or the costs of rescue missions. Before we forward donations to rescue organisations, we carefully examine the respective project. In this way, your donation always helps to save lives in distress at sea. You can find more information on our funding procedure here.

What are the advantages of a permanent donation or sustaining membership?

With a regular donation you secure the sea rescue in the long term and help us a lot to plan future projects. You make it possible for United4Rescue to help quickly and flexibly. At the same time, the administrative effort is less. As a supporting member you will receive additional information and invitations from us, for example to the special meeting for supporters with sustaining membership.

When & how do I receive a donation receipt?

You will receive your donation receipt in February of the following year as an annual donation receipt. We need your address for this! To save costs and the environment, we also send donation receipts by e-mail as a PDF document. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: .

Amounts up to € 300 can also be claimed from the tax office with this "simplified proof of donation". Simply submit this with proof of transfer, for example your bank statement.

How can I collect condolence donations?

Instead of flowers and wreaths, ask for a donation to United4Rescue during the funeral service to support sea rescue and save lives.

Transfer the condolence donation collectively to us or ask for a donation in the obituary. You can find an example here:

"Death should not have the last word. In the spirit of the deceased, we therefore ask for a donation to United4Rescue instead of flowers and wreaths. The association supports civilian rescue ships in the Mediterranean. Donate online at or under the keyword _________ to the following account:

United4Rescue – Gemeinsam Retten e.V.
IBAN: DE93 1006 1006 1111 1111 93
Bank für Kirche und Diakonie eG — KD-Bank".

On request, we will be happy to provide you with the total amount donated and a list of the donors who have made a donation using your keyword.

Do I receive a donation receipt if I have donated on Facebook or Betterplace?

If you donate on Facebook or Betterplace, you will receive a donation confirmation by email from the respective provider. The donations will be forwarded to us, but we are not allowed to issue donation receipts for this.

Can I donate from a foreign account?

Yes, you can also donate from abroad without any problems. However, donations to United4Rescue are only deductible in Germany.

Where can I find the assessment notice on non-profit status?

You can download the proof of our non-profit status here.
The statutes of United4Rescue can be viewed here.

United4Rescue promotes the charitable purposes of helping those persecuted for political, racial or religious reasons, refugees and displaced persons (§ 52 para. 2 p. 1 no. 10 AO) and rescue from danger to life (§ 52 para. 2 p. 1 no. 11 AO).

Can forwarded donations from third parties receive their own donation receipt?

No. Donation receipts may only be issued for the person or organisation that transferred the donation. Only those who donate themselves can receive a donation receipt. Please draw attention to this if, for example, you are collecting donations in a circle of friends.

How can I change my personal data or my permanent donation?

Please contact us by mail or phone if, for example, you have moved and would like to change your address: / +49 30 75438542

How can I help without money?

You can help us a lot by spreading the word about our cause! Talk to friends and family about civilian rescue at sea, follow us on social media or start your own fundraising campaign, e.g. in your sports club or church community. You can find more information and material here.

Donations account

United4Rescue – Gemeinsam Retten e.V.
IBAN: DE93 1006 1006 1111 1111 93
Bank für Kirche und Diakonie eG – KD-Bank

Donations account

United4Rescue – Gemeinsam Retten e.V.
IBAN: DE93 1006 1006 1111 1111 93
Bank für Kirche und Diakonie eG – KD-Bank

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